About me

Selfie headshot of Angela
Selfie taken on a whale watching tour in Monterey Bay.

Angela Rae Bushman

Coach + Communicator

I want to give you a safe space to discover your joy, and to create more abundance and fulfillment in your life right now!

I’ve realized that every time I’ve made a transformative leap in my life, I’ve done it by coming from a place of gratitude — a conscious process that’s brought me synchronicities and opportunities, from finding new jobs and increasing my income to getting my children into a desirable school. Now, on a deep and profound level, I’ve been called to share my journey in service to others.

I’m a coach, mom of two and self-help junkie from way back. I’ve read everyone from Eckhart Tolle to Gabrielle Bernstein and Brené Brown. I remember reading Ram Dass while I was still in college and the dramatic impression he made. And Gary Zukov, Bruce Lipton and Joe Dispenza. After college, I listened to cassette tapes by Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra in my car while driving to and from work. And speaking of work, I was that employee — the one who signed up for nearly every course I could take — Seven Habits, Crucial Conversations, Myers Briggs — and have taken every personality test imaginable:  DISC, Kolbe A, StrengthsFinder, Fascinate…

Since then, I’ve spent thousands in courses on mindset, relationships and more. You name it, I’ve tried it:  psychotherapy, coaching, intuitive readings, meditation, mantras, past-life regression (yep), rebirthing (I mean… remember that trend!?) and yoga. I even listen to self-help podcasts while walking the dog. I continue to draw inspiration from greats like Marie Forleo, John Assaraf, Denise Duffield-Thomas, Tony Robbins, Morgana Rae, Noah St. John, Mastin Kipp, Brooke Castillo and so many more.

I’ve invested hundreds of hours studying the GROW method, neuro linguistic programming (NLP), strategic intervention,  activation method and more. I completed the Core 100 program and received my certificate through Robbins Madanes Training. I’m a Positive Psychology Pioneer through UPenn. In other words, I’ve done my homework.

Now, after a successful corporate career, creating a family, raising children, divorce, heartbreak and loss, along with lots of other rich life experience, I’m called to purpose-driven service:  I want to help you get more out of life, get unstuck, change your perspective — to help you shift to life happening for you, not just to you.

After all this, I’m far from perfect — I mean, like a million miles from perfect. I deeply get that the work of becoming the best versions of ourselves is constant and ongoing and so often seems like the last priority. Like you, I’m a magnificent work in progress just trying to figure it all out. And that’s why my clients appreciate my gift of acceptance. Let me hold the space for your transformation.


Work with me
  • 1:1 Coaching
  • Group coaching
  • Speaking
  • Writing

(c) 2021 Angela Rae Bushman