join me to play with your energy

Join me on Tuesday, May 23 or any of the following three Tuesday mornings for a 9 a.m. (Central) weekly energy workshop designed to enhance your energetic awareness and intentionality, free your mind from daily stressors (at least temporarily), and check in with who you’re BEing as you begin your week. 

Each session, we’ll breathe, get quiet and go within; then I’ll lead the group through an energy visualization. I’ll leave time for Q&A as we close each session. While I’ve scheduled these sessions for one hour, it’s likely we’ll take only 20 to 25 minutes, so you’ll have extra time to journal, take a walk — or get back to your day.

There is no cost for tickets, but you’ll need to reserve your spot.

One thought on “join me to play with your energy

  1. This workshop sounds like a wonderful opportunity to center oneself and set intentions for the week ahead. I appreciate that there is no cost for tickets and plenty of time allowed for personal reflection.
    founder of balance thy life


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